This is a controversial subject that involves human health, the exaggeration in the quest for a perfect body and also doping in sport.
Speaking of Testosterone as therapy, let’s first understand what this hormone is and why it is so important for all men.
The Blog Sport & Health talked to an expert, Prof. Dr.Alex Souto Maior, Post-doctorate in Physiology and MS in biomedical engineering.
Testosterone is an anabolic androgenic hormone produced in men by cells (leydig) in the testicles. Women also produce a small amount of this hormone by the cells (theca) in the ovaries. Both stimulated by the luteinizing hormone produced in a region of the brain called the pituitary gland.
And in both sexes a small amount of testosterone is also produced in the adrenal glands (kidney) in connection with the production of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).
Recent studies in the area of endocrinology show that a decline in testosterone levels begins to happen between the ages of 30 and 35, depending directly from the lifestyle of each person. That is, unhealthy habits prematurely reduce testosterone levels.
And the reduction of this hormone can cause fatigue, decreased libido, reduced fertility, risk of diabetes, increased fat mass, bone loss, increased risk of fractures, loss of strength and decreased muscle mass.
And there comes the anabolic steroids, which are synthetic analogs of testosterone, with a change in the chemical structure to extend the biological activity, and so, increasing its anabolic effect, reducing masculinizing effect and making it physiologically active. They are basically used in hormone replacement therapy.
Knowing the results, especially the aesthetic ones, caused by anabolic effects on the body, such as muscle growth, many men and women, in search of a perfect body, began, deliberately, to replace the hormone. And, according to Prof. Dr. Alex Souto Maior, like any medicine, the use of higher than recommended doses can cause serious damage, such as baldness, acne, prostate hypertrophy and liver damage. Some types of steroids can promote reduction of sexual potency, the increase bad cholesterol (LDL), the reduction of good cholesterol (HDL), cardiac complications, thrombosis, risk of development of sudden death and cardiac arrhythmia.
And women who use high doses of anabolic steroids, may have the same problems as men and also show significant male characteristics such as an abnormal amount of hair in the face and chest, her voice becomes thicker, an enlargement of the clitoris, appearance of pimples, aggressiveness, among others.
The entrepreneur David Ribeiro, 37, is an adept of the Testosterone Therapy. “I realized I was not getting the body I wanted, so I went to a doctor and it was when I discovered the importance of testosterone.”
He did a slow replacement throughout one year without the constant ups and downs. Unlike many people that perform the so-called “cycles,” which are the placing of testosterone in the body for eight to ten weeks, and having a post cycle therapy.
According to David, this method causes a “roller coaster” in the body: at a certain time of the year the testosterone level is high, which leads to good humor, courage, etc. Then, when the level decreases, the feeling of depression begins. That’s why he chose to adopt the TRT- Testosterone Replacement Therapy, under medical supervision. David concludes: “The difference between poison and medicine is in the dose.”
Prof. Dr. Alex Souto Maior explains that testosterone, in certain doses, can be used as therapy for chronic diseases, such as HIV, osteoporosis, rickets, heart disease, among others.
“Studies show that treatment at doses of 250 mg / week does not promote cardiac and metabolic overload. Weekly doses of 100 mg of testosterone promoted increased muscle hypertrophy, strength and functionality for the elderly. The bone mineral density increased at doses between 50 and 150 mg of testosterone and, consequently, testosterone therapy reversed the loss of functionality of the above promoted by the loss of bone and muscle.
On the other hand, higher doses of more than 250 mg / week promote a significant increase of LDL cholesterol, increases blood pressure, and causes pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, platelet aggregation and autonomic heart dysfunction.”
We have seen that the hormone testosterone, in optimal levels, can be beneficial to ones health and even helps to cure diseases, but in excess, like everything else, is bad for your health, body and brain.
Before starting the therapy it is important to see a specialist, have the proper exams and have individualized medical evaluation.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is something new to many people, but studies show that it is important for human health. But it is also important to know if your body really needs it and what the proper dosage is. And if you are a high performance athlete, seek other alternatives to improve your performance. Do not risk your life or your career for aesthetics!
Learn more about the work of Professor and Doctor Alex Souto Maior!
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