Anguish, fear, sadness, anger, love, hate…How are our feelings and emotions in the face of such a new situation? And what should we do to not go crazy during the quarantine of COVID-19?
Before this crisis, staying at home was the best thing in the world. Being able to sleep and waking up late was a true dream for many. But what about when we are prevented from leaving home and forced to live, for days and nights, with our family, people that we always say we love so much.
How not to go crazy in times of quarantine?
The Sport & health Portal sought advice from the Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva, Master in Religious Sciences and Specialist in Mental Health, in order to help us at this moment.
“We need to understand that quarantine is a moment that the human being is experiencing all over the world, so the meaning we give to this moment is fundamental, so that people do not give space to stress. Controlling anxiety is already very important in order not to go crazy with this brief condition of life to which we were submitted”.
Sport & Health:
What do you think about the number of people doing live streams, training at home, fixing things, in short, doing things which, for many people, is something new?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
There is a lot of information offered on social networks. It is necessary to filter it, because some lives can be effective at a certain moment; they inform about a variety of themes, they bring comfort, tips that can be put into practice not only at the present time, but throughout life.
Many people started to practice physical activities because they feel motivated with something so intimate and private inside their home. Others are taking advantage of this bombardment of information received by live streams to reorganize and reorder their own lives.
It should be noted that we cannot be conditioned to receive this information on a daily basis.
We should not settle for the virtual because it is good to remember that we are going through a time of seclusion that will end, and a normal life requires less comfort and more attitudes, that is, we will return to the gym, to church, to our therapies, and we will laugh with friends in parks and bars.
Remembering that physical contact will always be more therapeutic and informative than the one-hour videos presented in the form of live streams.
Sport & Health:
How can this euphoria help or hinder a person?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
“Everything that is too much can bring emotional dependency, if considered as a way of escaping from fears and desires, replacing reality with the habit of living in a parallel world. Euphoria brings joy, encouragement, disposition, but its emotional effect after passing all the sensation it produces, can trigger anguish, existential emptiness, difficulty in readjusting to the old routine.”
Sport & Health:
How can we learn to deal with and live with the people we talk about so much that we love: our family?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
Practicing empathy, good manners, respect and love are already more than special ingredients for good living. People need to realize that living with those they love does not give them the right to transfer their stress to them. Internal problems need self-resolution, so we cannot transfer them to those we love with the belief that they must take it all.
If each one treats the other as he likes to be welcomed, respected, we will find balance in relationships.
At this moment, it is essential to strengthen the bonds, to show love, to help with the housework, to allow yourself to be more fun and welcoming with everyone around you. If there is truly love, living with our family becomes a comfort and an encouragement in this moment of instability.
Sport & Health:
How can one deal with new emotions?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
Dealing with new emotions can be scary, as people live in an “automatic way”, with no time to look at themselves. It is believed that at this moment, anxiety is still the great villain in people’s lives, because it is anxiety that triggers feelings such as anguish, excessive worry, negative thoughts, and insecurity, among others.
Dealing with these emotions and softening their impact on mental health is simpler than you think! Create routine, adding schedules for physical activity, meditation, family games, time to take care of spirituality, time to run the home office. Find time for a relaxing bath, time to listen to music, to eating well…Those are some of the infinite possibilities to deal with various emotions.
The human beings are going through a moment in life in which we will learn, in practice, the value of positive thinking and the impact that this positivity can bring in times of crisis and evolution.

Sport & Health:
And how to face these changes?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
People are in the process of reformulating life, values, and reordering the routine that was once rushed and without quality. The external environment was highly prioritized and due importance was not given to stipulating, organizing and thinking about your own time, which brings lightness. After all, we discovered at that moment that we are not in control of everything, that is, the changes keep coming. At the right time, everyone will understand the importance of this cycle to start a new phase.
Sport & Health:
How do we do to discover ourselves, how to look at ourselves again, to charge ourselves less and live longer, without the feeling of guilt?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
Firstly, it is necessary to want to go through this moment of self-discovery; each one has their own time for this to happen. It is necessary for people to understand the importance of learning to deal with their emotions, to undo negative beliefs and to become aware that reason must control emotions for self-knowledge to occur.
We suggest that self-esteem has priority in this process of internal changes, through it we learn to shape our self-love, prioritize our qualities and not to blame ourselves or to charge ourselves excessively. Self-esteem is the pillar of the human being, where his subjectivity is redefined daily, and so, even if he is not ready or does not allow himself to self-knowledge and self-control, when he focuses on self-esteem, the unconscious directs him to the importance of knowing himself better, bringing a natural will to the reunion with the self.
Sport & Health:
Are there any tips for that moment? What to do to not freak out and take advantage of that moment?
Psychologist Dr. Lidiane Silva:
Allow yourself!!! These are the words that make the most sense at that moment. It is possible, in 24 hours, to do several things within four walls that could bring the human being the pleasure of his existence.
Gratitude is one of the pillars of resilience, and it must be practiced to take advantage of that moment. We are constantly evolving to achieve our ideals, so stay away from the news, filter the information, and have a charitable eye for yourself, make self-affirmations during the day, respect your time and space, don’t allow procrastination and live each moment as a unique one, because time passes quickly, and we need to be well connected with the inner self.
So, let’s practice gratitude and allow ourselves to live each moment intensely!
If you have any questions, send them to Psychologist Lidiane Silva.
Kisses! Take care!