Is Detox Juice A myth?
The detox juices are indicated to eliminate toxins from the body, to deflate and help in bowel function.
We always hear that after the age of 30 the metabolism changes, and so we gain weight more easily. According to nutritionist, Dr.Cláudia Lima, such age varies from person to person, but the fact is that throughout our lives we do accumulate toxins. And when the body starts to “complain,” it’s time to be even more concerned about our food, our nutritional needs and the decline in muscle mass.
That’s when the green juice kicks in to help with the digestion and the elimination of oxins, in addition to being an excellent source of magnesium, an important mineral for our bodies, which it is involved in metabolic reactions, and it is also good for those who have anemia.
The idea is to take one to two cups a day, preferably fresh. But for those who have no patience in preparing it, the industrialized brands suggested are: Detox Juice MonstRO (FROM Do Well), V8 and Green Day. But you should remember that nothing replaces the fresh juice.
Oh, and there’s something really cool for those who want to adopt this powerful green liquid in his or her diet: kale, which is the main ingredient of the juice. Being very perishable, Dr. Claudia Lima suggests using it in the form of ice cubes.
It is simple to make: just mix kale in a blender with a little water and, after that, pour it in an ice cube tray.
Take it to the refrigerator. When needed, mix one or two kale cubes per day, along with the ingredients of your Green Juice.
The same can be done with mint.
As a basic ingredient you can use liquid water, coconut water or orange juice, as well as fruit juices.
Here are some recipes for green juice. Worth a try!
Have you prepared the juice? How are you feeling? Tell me!!!
Dr. Claudia Lima
1) Basic Green Juice
a. 200 ml of water or coconut water
b. 1 apple
c. 2 kale ice cubes (or one large sheet of organic kale)
d. 1 sliver of ginger
e. 1 level tablespoon of green banana flour
i. Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately
2) Green Juice with pineapple
a. 200 ml of water and coconut water
b. 1 thick slice of pineapple with the core
c. 2 kale cubes
d. 1 full teaspoon of golden flax flour
i. Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately
3) Green Juice with orange
a. 200 ml of orange juice
b. 2 kale ice cubes
c. 1 teaspoon full of oat bran
i. Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately
4) Kale Juice with lemon
a. 200 ml of water
b. Juice of 1 large lemon
c. 2 kale ice cubes
d. 1 tablespoon of honey
e. 1 teaspoon full of golden flax flour
i. Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately
5) Green and pink juice
a. 200 ml of water and coconut water
b. 2 kale ice cubes
c. 1⁄4 small raw beets
d. 1 apple
e. 1 level tablespoon of green banana flour
i. Mix everything in a blender and drink immediately
Olá Daniela,
não ficou claro para mim se você acredita que os sucos detox são mito ou não. Penso que o Senhor Tanquinho vai escrever sobre isso em breve.
Senhor Tanquinho,
Eu tomo suco detox há mais de dois anos e digo por experiência própria, não é mito. Realmente faz efeito no organismo, varre as toxinas que ingerimos. Eu perdi cinco quilos desde que adotei o suco verde todos os dias pela manhã, antes do café. Muita gente não gosta do sabor, então minha dica é o abacaxi, que se estiver maduro, deixa o suco mais gostoso e doce. Mas, é preciso deixar duas coisas bem claras para quem quer adotar esse famoso líquido verde na alimentação. Não basta tomar o suco e continuar comendo coisas gordurosas, muita fritura, doces, embutidos…é preciso cuidar da alimentação como um todo, e o suco vai ajudar ainda mais. E praticar algum tipo de atividade física, o suco detox não é mito, mas também não faz milagre.
Um grande abraço!