A good chewing is as important as what we eat. Did you know that we spend, on average, one hour of our day chewing food? And it is during those moments that we produce the energy to carry out the activities of our everyday life.
Who best explains how it all works is Dr. Caroline Saman, a speech therapist:
“If a person has muscles that are very flaccid or too rigid, if there isn’t a fit between the teeth to grind food, if the head is too far forward or backward, or if one breathes through the mouth, the quality of chewing and, therefore, the process of digestion and also the energy gain is impaired. The face contains many muscles, with a very complex structure one in relation to another and, very often, the contraction of one of them causes the contraction and / or the relaxation of several other muscles, since they function as a whole. Therefore, if you correctly perform the movements during chewing, it can also bring aesthetic benefits to your face.”
Thus, Dr. Saman separated 8 tips that will make all the difference in the process of your digestion and beauty:
1- Look at your food
Realize the colors, pay attention to what is being ingested, and enjoy this moment.
2 – Smell the food
Smell is very important, as it sends to the brain the information needed to process the enzymes involved in the preparation for food digestion.
3 – Only eat when you hungry
We must distinguish emotional hunger from true hunger. All food ingested while you are not hungry will not be well metabolized and can become a toxin.
4 – Think positively while eating
If, while eating, you feel anger, irritability, anxiety, or you doing it after a quarrel, for example, it may have a negative influence throughout the energization process.
5 – Wait to feed yourself
Wait at least 30 minutes after an exercise before you eat.
6 – Chew slowly
Leave the food in the mouth as long as possible to facilitate digestion through efficient grinding and enzymatic action.
7 – Make sure the food is going to both sides of the dental arch
Chew on both sides and perform undulations in a more fluid manner, not sharply. It can contribute to the balance of the facial muscles.
8 – Make sure that your facial structures are compatible to achieve an efficient chewing
If you have questions regarding your mechanical chewing consult a phonoaudiologist. And you should also know that chewing slowly can also help you lose weight. According to Sports Nutritionist Rosane Martins “Digestion begins in the mouth. And when we chew more slowly, it gives time for the information to reach the brain with the information that we are satiated. The person who eats more slowly, eats less, just because it gives the brain the necessary time to receive the information that we have eaten enough.”
Now you know it, right? We must always chew calmly, unhurried, and exercising the facial muscles. It helps your digestion, and even helps you lose weight. A good tip!