Fibers improve the bowel movement, control your cholesterol, help absorb the excess of fat and sugar, and sweep them out of the body.
According to Dr. Mariana Belem, Nutritionist at the Brazilian Confederation of Associated Wrestling and partner of the Blog Sport & Health, there are basically two basic types of fibers: the one that likes water, such as oats, chia, and amaranth. And because they “like” water, they create a volume, leading to satiety, which is very good for those who are dieting. And those that “do not like” water, like lettuce, arugula, do the work of cleaning the digestive tract, as it was a “house cleaning.”
The ingestion of two types of fibers associated makes the intestine function properly.
However, the elimination of feces will depend on the water intake.
Because if you do not drink an adequate amount of water, these foods will produce hard and dehydrated stools, making it difficult to eliminate them.
The essential fibers are the traditional types: oats, but not too much, because oat gluten is (some material only on gluten will shortly be available for consultation here in Health & Sport).
And continuing to speak about of oats, when it turns into gluten, which is an adhesive, it prevents the entry of nutrients. Because of it, depending on the case, the most suitable fibers are chia, amaranth, quinoa flakes, lettuce and traditional salads.
The ideal thing is to eat 25 grams of fiber daily, the equivalent of three regular spoons.
This tip from Dr. Mariana Belem is suitable for athletes and non-athletes.
Speaking of fighting, I decided to ask an athlete, Aline Silva, a fighter who in 2014 made history by winning an unprecedented silver medal at the World Wrestling Olympics, and is eleven times a Brazilian Senior Champion of Wrestling in the category up to 75 pounds, how she maintains a good bowel function and how much it helps her on her everyday life as a high performance athlete.
Then tell us what you think?
Enjoy the video.