As the world confronts a new virus, COVID-19, besides the concern about the imminent contamination and the spread of the disease, there are also other invisible enemies, which we cannot set aside.
“An increase in panic attacks, in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) cases, anxiety and depression. Do you know why? Anxious and depressed people are afraid of being alone, of dying, having the fear of being contaminated, the fear of the future, a fear of what is to come. That’s why, in this pandemic, cases of panic and psychological crises will multiply.
Brazil is the second country with the most people affected by depression and anxiety, only behind the USA”, affirms the Professor of Physical Education and Specialist in Psychosomatic Disorders and Physical Activity, Luciana Mafra.

What to do in these cases? According to her, these data, unfortunately, are real and alarming. And what should we do to prevent and combat these diseases?
We should search for enough information and should not stay in front of the TV all day counting each case discovered. If you are anxious and depressed you may start to experience symptoms even without contracting the virus, just by the power of fear that is in your mind.
It is very common for anxious and depressed people to have all or almost all symptoms of a disease without having it. In the face of this forced confinement, here are some valuable tips.
Tips for avoiding stress in times of Corona Virus
- Exercises are natural tranquilizers. They relieve stress and increase our immunity. At the moment, try to exercise outdoors, forget closed places and gyms (at least for now).
- Do breathing exercises.
- Walk, ride a bike, run, exercise at home. Training at home is the fever of the moment.
- The important thing is not to stop using the body or the mind. If you reinvent yourself, try to make the best of that moment. Enjoy the time you didn’t have with your family and yourself.
- Reconnect with yourself, meditate, pray, read that book that was left on the bedside table, watch a movie or series that was on your list.
- Somehow, find pleasure in the details and live the situation with the certainty that everything is transitory, and that soon we will be free again! With faith and positive thinking we will overcome this enemy called COVID — 19.
Let’s go together! Take care!